Technical Specifications

User interface
The user interface scales to fit your Windows' preset scale factor, useful for extremely high- or low resolution displays.

The Halftone plug-in uses 100% floating point calculations resulting in the highest possible graphic quality. This means that both the dot positioning and sizing as well as the grids' rotation and inter-dot distance use sub-pixel accuracy. Thanks to the floating point calculations, all the available dot shapes are mathematically calculated and anti-aliassed.
The shades in the the source image are calculated upon natural RGB intensities and are scaled by the plug-in to create the largest scale of contrast required.
As with all our plug-in products, no concessions have been made in regards to image quality.

Supported modes
RGB, Grayscale and Duotone modes are supported in both 8-bit and 16-bit color depth. Not all graphics applications may support the Duotone mode but the other modes RGB and Grayscale will most likely be supported. Please check the documentation of your graphics application to ensure it can handle the mode you require. The image may contain an alpha channel (transparency), when present, the Halftone plug-in allows you to use a transparent background instead of a solid background color.

Image sizes
The Halftone plug-in has been thoroughly tested with image sizes ranging from 10 x 10 to over 30,000 x 30,000 pixels in all color modes and has shown no problems with any. It should be noted that memory usage for the larger image sizes can be extensive and that the supported image size is therefore largely based upon the physical and/or virtual memory available. If virtual memory is used, performance will be impacted.

Custom shapes
Halftone supports Bitmap, GIF, IFF, Interlaced Bitmap, JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG Network Graphics, Macintosh Icon, PaintShop Pro PSP, PhotoCD, Photoshop PSD, PNG, Softimage PIC, TIFF, Targa, Windows Cursor & Icon and PCX file formats as custom shapes.

Halftone v2.2 manual - Copyright © 2001-2009 VanDerLee. All rights reserved.