Vision K2
Vision K2

U.S. comic

This effect tries to emulate the shading effect often seen in American-style hero comics by creating an interlace-like effect and posterization.

Vision K2Color - Sets the maximum color of the image (the brightest color possible), allowing the color of the shading to be adjusted slightly.

Even bias - Sets the bias of the even raster lines. If the intensity at a pixel is brighter than the bias, the pixel will be bright.

Odd bias - Sets the bias of the odd raster lines. If the intensity at a pixel is brighter than the bias, the pixel will be bright.

Stripe size - Determines the height in pixels of each of the raster lines.

Darkness - Sets the overall bias of both odd and even lines.

Color amount - Sets the amount of posterization. Lower settings will result in pure black & white.

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